Welcome to the website of the Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy ‘Cono Sur’ of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Here you will find all the information related to the Strategy that will be carried out thanks to the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the municipal funds

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What is an ISUDS?



The City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is working on the city’s future through a strategic planning process that allows to establish the context of the years to come in the municipality.

The Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy (from now on, ISUDS) arises as part of this process. Thanks to the European co-financing through the ERDF funds (85% of the total), the ISUDS will lead to a transformation process in the city’s Cono Sur area.

To this end, the City Council has a budget of 17 million euros (from both European and municipal contributions) to carry out operations that guarantee long-term, sustainable development.

On this website, you can find all the information regarding the ISUD Strategy, its objectives, the related documents, the implementation of the actions and updates.

Take a look at the actions of the ISUDS


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Subtítulo explicativo con la acción del eje

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Progress of the ISUDS

